To be eligible for grants you must comply with training requirements set forth by Child Care Development Block Grant Reauthorization (CCDBG). You must complete these trainings, even if you do not accept, or plan to accept, payments from the NJ Child Care Assistance Program.

The NJ Department of Children and Families, Office of Licensing has different requirements from CCDBG. For example, you may have two staff in your center who have already completed the Pediatric First Aid and Pediatric CPR Training for licensing. But in order to receive this grant, you must comply with CCDBG training requirements, which requires that all directors and caregivers/teaching staff complete Pediatric First Aid and Pediatric CPR Training. 



In New Jersey, all child care and early learning programs that accept, or wish to accept, payments from the NJ Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) must comply with the requirements set forth by Child Care Development Block Grant Reauthorization (CCDBG). This includes completing the following CCDBG-required trainings. These trainings are required for all licensed or registered programs including center-based programs, home-based programs and summer youth camps.

Registered family child care providers and approved homes (in-home and family, friend and neighbor providers) have additional requirements. These additional requirements for home-based providers are listed below.

Staff transitioning from school year care to summer care or vice versa are not required to repeat CCDBG-required trainings, if they have already completed the trainings. 

All licensed child care centers and summer youth camp staff must complete additional annual training as required by regulation of their respective authorizing agencies. Registered family child care providers and approved homes (in-home and family, friend and neighbor) must complete at least six hours of in-service training each year. Registered family child care providers and their staff are required to complete 20 hours of in-service training for each three year registration period as required by regulation.

Health, Safety, and Child Growth and Development/Mandated Reporting: Basic Requirements for Licensing

Hours: 10 hours

Cost: Free

Description: The Health, Safety, and Child Growth and Development/Mandated Reporting: Basic Requirements for Licensing combines all CCDBG-required health and safety topics as well as mandated reporting for child abuse and neglect into one training session. Participants will no longer need to register for two different training sessions.  The Health, Safety, and Child Growth and Development/Mandated Reporting: Basic Requirements for Licensing is required to be completed once. This is foundational and provides basic information on health and safety. You are encouraged to take progressive training that will provide information that builds on this basic knowledge of health and safety and enhances your own professional development.

Covered topics include:

  • building and physical premises safety
  • transportation safety
  • handling and storage of hazardous materials
  • emergency preparedness
  • prevention and control of infectious disease
  • food and allergic reactions and how to respond
  • administration of medication
  • shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma
  • safe sleep and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SUIDS) prevention 
  • basic child development information
  • child abuse and neglect
  • discipline
  • mandated reporting
  • child maltreatment 

Course content included in the Health, Safety, and Child Growth and Development/Mandated Reporting: Basic Requirements for Licensing Course was updated in April 2024. If you completed this course prior to April 2, 2024, you do not need to take this training again, but please review the following document for a overview of the updates:  English | En Español

If you have not yet taken this training, log in to your NJCCIS account and navigate to the Registry dropdown and click on “Find Professional Development & Training Classes” and then search by the Event ID.

English Event ID: 140948
Spanish Event ID: 140950

In addition to the online training, this training is also available through your CCR&R either in person or “live” virtually. Look for your CCR&Rs agency name in the Training Agency dropdown on the “Find Professional Development & Training Classes” page. If you take the training through your CCR&R, the class may still be offered as two separate courses - "Health, Safety and Child Growth and Development: Basic Requirement for Licensing" and "Identifying Child Abuse and Neglect: Mandated Reporting in Early Childhood Education". 

Additional resources for health and safety basics:

How to Handle an Asthma Episode
English | Spanish

Reducing Asthma Triggers in a Child Care Setting
English | Spanish

Preventing Allergy Exposure
English | Spanish

Rights of Medication Administration
English | Spanish

English | Spanish

Changing Soiled Underwear, Disposable Training Pants and Clothing
English | Spanish

Handwashing: Step-by-Step
English | Spanish

When to Wash Your Hands
English | Spanish

Handwashing Procedure Video

Proper Glove Procedure
English | Spanish

Proper Cleaning, Sanitizing or Disinfecting
English | Spanish

Sanitizing Surfaces Video

Protective Factors
English | Spanish

Self-Care Strategies
English | Spanish

Additional health, safety, mental health and social-emotional resources can be found here - View Resources.

If you took any of the trainings listed below, you do not need to take this 10-hour training:
  • Health, Safety, and Child Growth and Development/Mandated Reporting with NJCCIS English Event ID: 132441 or Spanish Event ID: 132444 (prior to April 2, 2024)
  • Identifying Child Abuse and Neglect: Mandated Reporting in Early Childhood Education (2-hour Prevent Child Abuse training)
  • Health and Safety Basics: Requirements for Certification - Better Kid Care
  • New Jersey Child Care Subsidy Health and Safety Training - Better Kid Care
  • NJ Health and Safety Basics: Birth to Preschool - Better Kid Care
  • NJ Health and Safety Basics: School Age and Summer Camp
  • NJ Básicos de Salud y Seguridad: Nacimiento a Edad Preescolar (NJ Health and Safety Basics: Birth to Preschool)
  • NJ Básicos de Salud y Seguridad: Edad Escolar y Campamento de Verano (NJ Health and Safety Basics: School Age and Summer Camp)

Pediatric First Aid and Pediatric CPR Training

Hours: Varies

Cost: Varies

Description: Topics include Pediatric First Aid and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Child care center staff have the option to attend a Pediatric First Aid/Pediatric CPR training course offered through their local CCR&R or attend/hire a certified trainer/vendor. The trainer/vendor must be certified by a recognized health organization. The Pediatric CPR training course must offer a hands-on skills practice. Examples of a few of the recognized health organizations are: American Safety and Health Institute, American Red Cross, and the American Heart Association.

How to take this training: Pediatric First Aid and Pediatric CPR training is usually offered in person. However, during the public health crisis, hybrid models may be available. Contact your local CCR&R or authorized training vendor for more information.

Additional Requirements for Home-Based Providers (registered family child care, in-home and family, friend and neighbor)

All new registered family child care providers and their alternates and approved homes  providers (in-home and family, friend and neighbor) also must complete additional orientation training prior to being registered or approved that includes:

  • Office of Licensing (OOL) policy review (registered family child care only);
  • Business Practices; and
  • Program Management.

In addition, registered family child care providers and approved home (in-home and family, friend and neighbor) must complete at least six hours of in-service training each year. The in-service training must include a review of, and updates on, the health, safety, child development, social and emotional behavior intervention, and other subjects covered in the orientation trainings. Registered family child care providers and their staff are required to complete 20 hours of in-service training for each three year registration period as required by regulation.

If you have questions or need additional information, contact your local CCR&R.
