Advanced Health & Safety Training, Technical Assistance and Health Consultations

Child Care Health Consultants Flyer English and SpanishThe Child Care Health Consultants do not offer the required basic trainings. They offer advanced trainings in health & safety, online health consultations and on-site technical assistance.

Child Care Health Consultants are available to assist licensed child care centers and registered family child care providers. Providers that paticipate in the NJ Child Care Assistance Program and/or that are enrolled in Grow NJ Kids will be given priority.

Virtual services include:

  • Training on advanced health and safety topics include keeping healthy in child care during the COVID-19 pandemic, safe medication administration, child safety and injury prevention, food allergies, special diets and feeding issues, working with children with special needs and more.

  • Health and safety informational huddles on child health and safety topics.

  • Technical assistance and consultations including online consultations on best practice standards of health and safety in child care, assistance with the implementation of COVID-19 guidance and assistance with the development of policies and procedures, personal care routines, immunization and health records.

  • Providing health and safety resources and referrals.

For more information and to register log into your NJCCIS account and use the advanced search to search by “Training Agency” - select “Central Jersey Family Health Consortium” 

To get targeted technical assistance, contact: Central Jersey Family Health Consortium
1-888-999-1780 or [email protected]

Health and Safety Resources

How to Handle an Asthma Episode English | Spanish
Reducing Asthma Triggers in a Child Care Setting English | Spanish
Preventing Allergy Exposure English | Spanish
Rights of Medication Administration English | Spanish
Diapering English | Spanish
Changing Soiled Underwear, Disposable Training Pants and Clothing English | Spanish
Handwashing: Step-by-Step English | Spanish
When to Wash Your Hands English | Spanish
Handwashing Procedure Video English
Proper Glove Procedure English | Spanish
Proper Cleaning, Sanitizing or Disinfecting English | Spanish
Sanitizing Surfaces Video English
Protective Factors English | Spanish
Self-Care Strategies English | Spanish

Additional health, safety, mental health and social-emotional resources can be found here - View Resources.

NJ Department of Health (DOH) - Child Care Provider Trainings

The NJ DOH Daycares, Schools, and Higher Education (DSH) Team prioritizes collaboration, education and training to strengthen public health and minimize infectious disease transmission in daycares, schools, and higher education institutions. 

DSH Team trainings are available for child care providers through the New Jersey Child Care Information System (NJCCIS).  To access DSH Team courses go to registry and select “find professional development & training classes.” Then select “New Jersey Department of Health” under “Training Agency” to locate our available DSH trainings. 

Current trainings include:
NJDOH General Infectious Disease Outbreak Training for Childcare Centers
NJDOH Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease Training
NJDOH Prevention and Mitigation of Common Infectious Illnesses Part 1 and Part 2

Remember to check NJCCIS and the DSH website regularly to stay up-to-date on all our latest educational opportunities.

Financial Resources

Early Childhood Training and Technical Assistance Systems
Child Care Stabilization Grants
The Administration for Children & Families, Office of Child Care, Early Childhood Training and Technical Assistance Systems website contains links to webinars and additional resources to help child care providers understand how child care stabilization grants can help their business and apply for funding. Child care stabilization grants provide much needed financial relief to child care providers to help defray unexpected business costs associated with the pandemic and to help stabilize their operations so that they may continue to provide care.
New Jersey’s Shared-Work Program - An Alternative to Layoffs
Website | 609-633-6400
Under an approved Shared-Work Program, workers who have their hours of work reduced may receive “short-time” Unemployment benefits for the lost hours of work, while continuing to work at reduced hours with a continuation of their health insurance, pension coverage, and other benefits. For information visit the NJ Department of Labor & Workforce Development website.

Additional Training Resources

FEMA Releases Independent Study Course on Preparedness for Child Care Providers
The newly revised FEMA online independent study course, "Preparedness for Child Care Providers" (IS-36), covers multiple hazards and risks that may affect child-care providers. These include fires, criminal activity and child abduction, severe weather, hazardous materials, illness outbreaks and geological events like earthquakes. The comprehensive course can support safety and planning not just at child care centers and preschools, but also at before- and after-school programs, summer youth programs and at-home child care facilities.
Preparedness for child care providers also includes a variety of tools for students such as procedures for sheltering in place, emergency site closings, reunification with parents and guardians and more. Students will learn how to create an emergency plan tailored to their needs, including actions like how to identify staff responsibilities when an emergency happens. A companion toolkit includes helpful hazard checklists, sample forms like emergency contact sheets and checklists for emergency drills.
Students can complete this free, web-based course online in about two hours.
If you care for young kids, be sure to take a look at the course and share it with your colleagues. If you’re a parent of young kids, let their childcare center know about the course. You can find the course at FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-36.A: Preparedness for Child Care Providers.
Supporting Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness
Enhance your knowledge around family homelessness and the McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Act's definition of "homeless" as it refers to children and youth. Review other relevant federal regulations for Head Start, Early Head Start, and Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)-subsidized programs.
This interactive learning series is intended for professionals in Head Start, Early Head Start, and child care, including early childhood and school-age child care providers, CCDF Lead Agency or designated entity staff, and other key stakeholders. Learn how to identify families experiencing homelessness, conduct community outreach, and much more.
Knowledge checks, practice scenarios, and interactive learning modules will help deepen your understanding of family homelessness. Each module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, depending on your level of experience. When you finish all sections of the module, download your Certificate of Completion.
Click here to being: Supporting Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness
Early Childhood Physical Activity Web-Based Training
Early Childhood Physical Activity for Toddlers and Preschoolers is a one-hour, interactive web-based training designed to explore how young children benefit from structured physical activities and develop a wide range of movement skills through active play. Led by Dr. Diane Craft, participants will learn ways to facilitate physical activities that are safe, easy, and fun for young children. Strategies to implement developmentally appropriate and accessible physical activity in the classroom in spite of some common barriers will also be addressed.
Grow NJ Kids program participants will receive one learning hour towards their professional development upon completion of this training. Be sure to have your NJ Workforce Registry Member ID# ready to fill out the final survey. This information will be used to credit your NJ Workforce Registry transcript.
Click here to begin: Early Childhood Physical Activity
Important Note: This web-based training must be viewed using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. If you experience technical difficulty in accessing the training, email us at [email protected]
Computer Classes
GCF LearnFree - Computer Basics
CyberWise - How to use digital media confidently and safely
Digital Learn
Typing Classes
Goodtyping - Online typing tutorials in English and Spanish
Learn Typing
Typing Club
Mouse Classes

Frequently Used Acronyms and Abbreviations

Professionals, early childhood educators and child care providers often use acronyms to communicate about services, organizations, and key concepts in the field. The following resources offer definitions for some of the most commonly used acronyms and abbreviations:
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education Acronym List
National Conference of State Legislatures - Early Care and Education Commonly Used Acronyms
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center Acronym List
