Do you love taking care of children? Have you always wanted to start your own business?
Do you want to give back to your community? Consider becoming a registered family child care provider!


A registered family child care provider cares for no more than five "non-resident" children, 13 years old or younger, at any one time in the provider's home. You may choose to become voluntarily registered through your Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency. Becoming registered allows you to demonstrate that you meet state regulations and health and safety requirements, which is something parents look for when choosing quality child care. It also allows you to care for children receiving benefits from the New Jersey Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), which helps lower income families pay for child care. 
Before you start the process of becoming a registered family child care provider, you should review the NJ Department of Children and Families, Office of Licensing Manual of Requirements for Family Child Care Registration.

After reviewing the Manual of Requirements, reach out to your CCR&R and let them know you want to become a registered family child care provider. Your local CCR&R, with the support of the NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development, will walk you through the whole process and work with you to meet all the requirements.

If you would like to learn more now, review the steps you will need to take in the dropdowns below.

Create an NJCCIS Account

Create an account in the New Jersey Child Care Information System (NJCCIS). NJCCIS supports all business operations related to child care in New Jersey. You will need to create an account so that you can complete the application, register for required training and professional development, apply for grants and so much more. If you need help, you CCR&R is available to walk you through the registration process. 

Find a Substitute

Registered providers are required to have a substitute, someone who is 18 years or older. This will be a person who fills in for you if you are sick, have a meeting or take some vacation time.
All staff who have direct or unsupervised access to children will need to have an NJCCIS account and will need to meet all the same requirements as you do.

Submit an Application

In order to care for children in your home, you must submit an application which can be found in NJCCIS. It costs $25 to apply. Character references and the results of a medical examination and tuberculin Mantoux test are also required, your CCR&R will make sure you know who needs to complete this.

Complete the Orientation

This required two-hour orientation is provided by your local CCR&R and provides an overview of everything involved with becoming registered.  Experienced staff answer your questions and provide helpful tips to get you started.

Complete the Comprehensive Criminal Background Check

Federal law requires that anyone involved in a child’s care or supervision, or who may have unsupervised access to children, to complete a comprehensive criminal background check. This includes anyone who lives in a registered family child care home.
Staff must complete these comprehensive criminal background checks BEFORE they begin employment or start to care for children in their home.
Background checks are free.

A Comprehensive Criminal Background Check includes:

  • Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) Fingerprint check
  • Child Abuse Record Information (CARI) Check including the State and National Sex Offender Register Check

You may lose your registered family child care status and be ineligible for child care assistance funding if you, or anyone mentioned above:

  • Refuse to consent to the criminal background check;
  • Knowingly makes a false statement;
  • Are registered, or are required to be registered, on a state sex offender registry or repository or the National Sex Offender Registry;
  • Have been convicted of a felony, including the following crimes: murder, child abuse or neglect, crimes against children including child pornography, spousal abuse, crime involving rape or sexual assault, kidnapping, arson, physical assault or battery, or drug-related offenses committed during the preceding 5 years; or
  • Have been convicted of a violent misdemeanor committed as an adult against a child, including the following crimes: child abuse, child endangerment, sexual assault, or of a misdemeanor involving child pornography.

Additional background check requirements by other regulatory entities may be imposed, as required by law.

Complete the Pre-Service Health and Safety Trainings

You, and anyone involved in a child’s care or supervision or who may have unsupervised access to children, must complete the following trainings before they start to care for children: 
Health, Safety, and Child Growth and Development/Mandated Reporting: Basic Requirements for Licensing
This training is available through NJCCIS and includes the following topics:

  • building and physical premises safety
  • transportation safety
  • handling and storage of hazardous materials
  • emergency preparedness
  • prevention and control of infectious disease
  • food and allergic reactions and how to respond
  • administration of medication
  • shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma
  • safe sleep and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SUIDS) prevention 
  • basic child development information
  • child abuse and neglect
  • discipline
  • mandated reporting
  • child maltreatment 
Pediatric First Aid and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training

You, and anyone involved in a child’s care or supervision or who may have unsupervised access to children, must complete Pediatric First Aid and Pediatric CPR training. This is offered through your CCR&R using a trainer/vendor who is certified by a recognized health organization. The Pediatric CPR training course is a hands-on skills practice training.

Ongoing Training

In addition, all registered family child care providers and their staff must complete at least six hours of in-service training each year. The in-service training must include a review of, and updates on, the health, safety, child development, social and emotional behavior intervention, and other subjects covered in the orientation trainings.

Required trainings must be documented and on file in NJCCIS. Providers and/or staff must upload all completed trainings in their NJCCIS personnel records in order to maintain up-to-date profiles. Failure of staff to complete the required annual in-service trainings may result in a loss of eligibility for CCAP funding and you may lose your registered family child care status.

Create Your Written Policies and Procedures

Providers must have written procedures to address and handle the following situations. You will receive a packet and guidance from your CCR&R.

  • Emergency Preparedness Plan

  • Disposal of bio-contaminants

  • Food and allergic reactions

  • New Jersey Department of Health Immunization polices and allow for grace period (Families of children in foster care and homeless children are permitted a 30-day grace period to take any necessary action to comply with immunization requirements. These children are provided CCDF-funded child care services during the grace period).

Have a Home Inspection

The CCR&R shall conduct an inspection (monitoring) prior to the issuance of your Certificate of Registration. This means they will inspect your home to ensure you comply with local, state and federal requirements for health, fire and building codes as well as meeting all areas from the Manual of Requirements for Family Child Care Registration and DHS/DFD child care assistance program requirements. CCR&Rs will conduct announced and unannounced inspections of family child care homes to ensure continued compliance.

$1,000 Referral Award!

$1,000_Referral_Grant_Flyer.jpgIf you're already a registered family child care provider and you know someone interested in becoming a new provider, refer them and you could receive a $1,000 award!

To be eligible to make the referral, you must:

  • Be a registered family child care provider;
  • Be in good standing (no enforcement action and/or funding misrepresentation investigation or misuse of funds).

The person you are referring must:

  • Be a new family child care provider. This means they have not been actively registered as a family child care provider for at least six months prior to referral.
  • Complete the registration and become an active provider caring for infants and/or toddlers.

To make the referral, complete the Family Child Care Provider Referral Award Application.

Start thinking about child care as a business!


By changing from an approved home to a registered family child care provider, you can care for children beyond those you are already approved for. With this extra step to get registered, you will earn about twice as much for each child you are caring for. 

For example, if you currently are caring for two toddlers as an approved home provider, your monthly full-time assistance rate would go from $603 to $1,187 for each child by becoming a family child care provider!

How Do I Become a Family Child Care Provider?
You already have done a lot of it by completing your basic health and safety training and background checks! And here is the great part – your Child Care Resource and Referral Agency (CCR&R) is there to help you through the rest of the process by offering technical assistance, business coaching and other supports.

Additional Ways We Can Help You!
Besides making more money per child each month, as a family child care provider, there are two additional ways we will help you to improve your child care business so you can earn even more.

You can become part of Grow NJ Kids, the state’s five-star quality rating system. By doing this, it will help increase your monthly rate per child and make your child care program even better!

Start thinking about child care as a business!
Call your local CCR&R at 1-800-332-9227 or review the information on this page to learn what it takes to double your income!

For more information, please review the Manual of Requirements or contact your CCR&R to learn more and become registered to care for children in your home!
