There are other types of care available that you may want to consider. However, unless the provider complies with NJ Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) and Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act rules and regulations, you cannot use CCAP benefits at these providers.
These are facilities that are deemed exempt from licensing regulation and not regulated by the Department of Children and Families’ Office of Licensing (DCF/OOL), including, but not limited to:
Programs operated by local public school districts;
Private or charter schools which are solely run for educational purposes offering elementary education in grades kindergarten through 6th, 7th or 8th and their kindergarten, pre-kindergarten or a child care center are an integral part of the private educational institution or system; and
Faith-based organizations.
For a full list of programs that are exempt for licensure, view the NJ DCF Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers, Section 3A:52-1.3 Programs exempt from licensure.
The CCAP will not pay for care at a license-exempt provider.