As we work to bring you a improved training calendar, our partners at Grow NJ Kids Training Services are continuing to support your professional development as a Grow NJ Kids program. 

Download a list of current trainings for:   January  |  February  |  Always Available Online | Business Development for Child Care Providers Trainings

And remember that the New Jersey Child Care Information System (NJCCIS) is the point of access to the NJ Workforce Registry - allowing you to maintain a record of your experience, education and professional development and to access all your training resources. 
To help you make the most of your training opportunities, we’ve put together a collection of quick tips you may find helpful.
Tips for Success in Virtual Training FlyerConsejos para el éxito en el folleto de formación virtual
If you have any questions or issues with any of the Grow NJ Kids trainings, please contact 732-258-5203 or [email protected].

Thank you and we’ll see you in class!

