As we work to bring you a improved training calendar, our partners at Grow NJ Kids Training Services are continuing to support your professional development as a Grow NJ Kids program.
Download a list of current trainings for: January | February | Always Available Online | Business Development for Child Care Providers Trainings
And remember that the New Jersey Child Care Information System (NJCCIS) is the point of access to the NJ Workforce Registry - allowing you to maintain a record of your experience, education and professional development and to access all your training resources.
To help you make the most of your training opportunities, we’ve put together a collection of quick tips you may find helpful.
Tips for Success in Virtual Training Flyer | Consejos para el éxito en el folleto de formación virtual
If you have any questions or issues with any of the Grow NJ Kids trainings, please contact 732-258-5203 or [email protected].
Thank you and we’ll see you in class!